We'd like to provide our Pure Tūroa community with the presentation we put to creditors and Life Pass Holders yesterday at the watershed meeting. This gives some background on who we are and our plans for Tūroa. We'll update on the process forward as we re-engage with PwC who are now liquidators for RAL following the High Court hearing this morning. We expect to continue the acquisition process for the Tūroa assets and to still be on track for opening in early July this year.
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I read your comment with interest ,however have you not included your surname .
Is it Todd ?
Richard Newson.
ADI Group.
What a rip off for LPH that sunk ~$40M in and you guys walk
in and “buy it“with absolutely no
respect to Iwi and LPH. No Iwi consultation and Your offer is a joke at 60% “discount“. Its an absolute disgrace that you think this is okay to treat the supporting community like this. Time will show that you don't have the support you think you have. Whakapapa holdings will gain the support. Suggest you stop high fiving yourselves and look at what your doing to the people as this will only get worse if your don't recognise Iwi and LPH
Great presentation, Listening yesterday it was clear you guys are passionate about Turoa and getting it back up and running. I wish that presentation could have been out there to a wider audience well before the watershed, I recon it may have help change some votes.
Keep up the good work so far and I hope you pull this off!
Excellent communication over recent times by Pure Tūroa .A pleasant contrast to now redundant RAL
Richard Newson.
ADI Group.
Impressive. This is everything I've been hoping for. Best of luck for your continuing discussions.