The team at Pure Tūroa really appreciate the letter of support from the Ohakune Business Network. This group represents the interests of business owners in our region and they have been instrumental in supporting economic growth in the town over many years. Many thanks to Mike Wiggins, TCB owner, and Ben Scarf, Powderhorn owner, for signing off on this letter and for all the time and commitment that went into organising it. We understand they have sent this letter to the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.
Download and read the letter here...
And here are the many signed expressions of support from local business owners (personal details removed)...
I have skiied at Turoa since it began and it is my preferred field on Ruapehu. I have owned a property in Ohakune and I have stayed, shopped, eaten there throughout. I had seasons passes for years then I upgraded to a life pass when RAL was raising funds to build new lifts. The letter from Ohakune businesses raises some good points which I agree with, however the comments about life pass holders are very very poor and offensive. Shame on you for writing such garbage and denigrating some of Ohakune's best patrons.